Fiber Arts Residency, Oaxaca, 2023
Where: Texere, Oaxaca, Mexico
When: January 2025
Subjects: Two - week long residency dedicated to immersive plant-dyeing and pigment extraction studies, completing with a textile tapestry made with hand-dyed fabric using the Korean Bojagi technique. Final exhibition at Texere studio in Oaxaca.
Fiber Arts Residency, Mamula Island
Where: Mamula Island Hotel, Montenegro
When: June 2023, August 2023
Subjects: Site-specific wall art for various suites, the reception, and hotel bar
See press feature on Galerie Magazine
Foto: Mark Anthony Fox
Photo: Milas Samardzic
Fiber Arts Residency, Oaxaca, 2023
Where: Texere, Oaxaca, Mexico
When: January 2023
Subjects: Two - week long residency that included researching traditional Mexican fiber arts such as weaving, basketry weaving , plant-dyeing, silk & cotton farming and completing a piece for an exhibition at Texere studio in Oaxaca.
Photo: Luna Antonia Arboleda
Photo: Luna Antonia Arboleda